Soviet Civil Defense (10+ Hours Long) from the Nuclear War Survival Skills DVD Set from

These are screen shots from part of the Soviet Civil Defense Film Strips ( translated into English). The video is over 10 hours long.

Click on a small image to see it full size.

cap002 cap004 cap001 cap005
cap002 cap004 cap001 cap005
cap006 PDVD_000 PDVD_001 PDVD_002
cap006 PDVD_000 PDVD_001 PDVD_002
PDVD_003 PDVD_004 PDVD_005 PDVD_006
PDVD_003 PDVD_004 PDVD_005 PDVD_006
PDVD_007 PDVD_008 PDVD_009 PDVD_010
PDVD_007 PDVD_008 PDVD_009 PDVD_010


Created using PhotoRecall from G&A Imaging Ltd.